Meet Teresa

From Failing miserably at running to loving the trails and giving back

Teresa (right) and friend Margaret (left) at the 2021 IRONBULL Ultra Trail. Photo credit: Coates Photography

My running journey started when I was 41 years old, I started doing CrossFit and found out really soon that a lot of the workouts of the day (WODs) included running different distances, and I hated running. Up to that point every running attempt I had made I had failed miserably! The longest I had ever run was 1 mile and with great struggle. I had no idea how much I was going to love running once I learned to do it properly.

In the summer of 2018, our box organized a running class and I had the blessing to meet an amazing running coach (Chi Wing Yeung aka Coach Eric) who gave me the gift of a lifetime.  He taught me about proper posture, pacing, breathing techniques, and cadence. That year I ran my first 5K and from then on continued running.  I did 5Ks and a 10K, but longer distances and trail running were still very intimidating to me. 

Teresa had over an hour improvement at the 2022 IRONBULL Ultra Trail this year!

Then during the 2020 shutdown, IRONBULL organized free virtual races and activities in the Wausau area, and that is how my friends and I got acquainted with the IRONBULL crew! Since everything else was closed, we took our running to the next level. We ran any chance we had anywhere we could, and the trails marked by IRONBULL were lots of fun.  We ran some of them several times and that’s how I got introduced to trail running. As soon as it was announced that IRONBULL was doing the Ultra Trail races again in 2021, I signed up for the 15K and ran it last year for the very first time.  I had gone through two surgeries in my arm that summer so that added a little detour to my plans and training but with the support of my running friends, I continued to run as soon as I recovered and I was ready to run the race in October. It was a very challenging race and the longest I had ever run on trail but it was the best experience.

I signed up for the 2022 race again as soon as it became available. I also ran the Wausau Half Marathon in 2022. Five years after my journey started, running has become a form of therapy, especially this year.  Running has carried me through moments of joy and also moments of grief and sadness. It has become my quiet time, my “me” time, it is what keeps me grounded. 

Running has carried me through moments of joy and also moments of grief and sadness. It has become my quiet time, my “me” time, it is what keeps me grounded.

Teresa (right) and Margaret (left) gearing up to volunteer at the 2021 IRONBULL Red Granite Grinder.

I will be forever thankful to those who have been part of my running journey by teaching me, encouraging me, and inspiring me.  I would have never ever imagined in my 20's that'd be a runner in my 40's! I am also thankful to IRONBULL for introducing me to trail running and organizing these great events in our community and encouraging women to participate.  My friend Margaret and I also have volunteered for the Red Granite Grinder a couple of years, and we enjoy participating in these events.  This year I am super excited and really looking forward to the October 1st race, I am really hoping for a new PR on my second year!